Why PR Agencies Need to Be Part of Broader Marketing Efforts

two people green room collaborating fashion beauty pr agency


PR agencies help build brand reputation, improve sentiment, and elevate awareness for beauty, fashion and lifestyle brands with their target customers. At our fashion, beauty + lifestyle PR agency VLIV Communications, one of the first things we request of new clients? To be looped in with their marketing team(s) and get alignment with their broader marketing strategy. It’s not just a “nice to have” for a successful PR campaign – it’s crucial.

Fortunately, our main brand contacts tend to be on the marketing team. That said, there are instances where the bigger marketing strategy isn’t shared with the PR agency. This can be detrimental, and ultimately, set everyone back.

There are few key reasons why beauty, fashion, and lifestyle brands need to include their PR agencies in all of their marketing efforts.

two people green room collaborating fashion beauty pr agency

​​​​​​​​Why do PR agencies need to be in step with all members of a brand’s broader marketing and communication team? (This can include social media, paid marketing, and more.)

How Beauty and Fashion Brands Can Benefit From Integrating Their PR Agencies Into Their Marketing Team

Aligned with Consistent Messaging:

One key to a clear brand identity is consistent messaging across all platforms. It’s really helpful as a PR agency to know what language the social media team is pushing out. We can often weave this messaging into our outreach. This results in more powerful coverage in top tier outlets.

Ability to Pivot Quickly:

If one team is seeing messaging resonate strongly amongst a certain audience, or not at all, it’s imperative to move quickly and be able to communicate next best steps with each other. Let’s say an editor gives us feedback that they don’t think a certain brand tagline will appeal to their audiences – we can take this to the marketing team and let them know, in case they want to re-evaluate and switch it up before pushing it out more broadly via social and email marketing.

PR Agencies love brainstorming new ideas!

My team and I at VLIV are huge believers in collaboration. Although our approaches, audiences and strategies might be different, the social media and PR teams all have the same goal of creating positive brand awareness, boosting reputation, and elevating trust and credibility. Sharing ideas and working together sparks some true innovation!

If you’re looking to boost your brand’s credibility with PR support that aligns with your broader marketing strategy, contact us! Send me an email at lindsey@vlivcommunications.com – would love to chat!
